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courbes 002_b2 par Américo Da Silva

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  • 2 people like this design
  • 1 comment
  • 1 view

Image description:

tous mes motifs sont originaux, chaque dessin est créé par simple envie sans aucune espèce de plan et sont transposables dans d’innombrables supports (pierre,bois, stickers ou comme ici, sur tissu). Pour un usage commercial, merci de me contacter directement (l'entreprise samoz n'ayant aucun droit sur mes créations).


    • Américo Da Silva
    • 16/08/2014 18:14
    • article L 122-4 du code de la propriété intellectuelle. «toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale ou partielle faite sans le consentement de l'auteur ou de ses ayants droits ou ayants cause est illicite. Il en est de même pour la traduction, l'adaptation ou la reproduction par un art ou un procédé quelconques.»

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Image size

Image size 25 x 15 cm

Resolution 150 dpi

Repeat mode
Fabric selection  [Detailed description]
Poplin natural white 24.90 €/m TTC Organic Sateen cotton 29.40 €/m TTC Cotton Twill 210g 32.40 €/m TTC French Organic Jersey 33.60 €/m TTC Cotton linen 160g 49.80 €/m TTC
Fabric length ( cm wide)
Sample 22x22cm Fat quarter 50xcm 1 meter 2 meters 3 meters 4 meters 5 meters Other
Shipping mode
Standard Express
€ incl. tax

Incl. 0% designer discount

Incl. a % designer discount

Expected delivery date*:

*If you order today before 6pm,
according to the average
delivery delay to France.

Image categories:

Image tags:

abstrait · géométrique · bleu

Give us feedback


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How are you planning to use your fabric?

When we print a great length of fabric, we some times need to stop printing at a point and to resume at another. If you need a precise length of continous fabric, tell us so.

If you plan to use your fabric in separate pieces, tell us the minimal uncut length you need (3m, 5m, and so on). Please note that we only accept pieces in whole meters lengths.


Printing on cotton with pigment inks requires, most of the time, an upstream work on the colors.

A test sample and a RGB color chart will help you verify the repetition of your pattern and adjust, if necessary, the color rendering. It will be sent via postal service including follow up service.

Warning: the delivery time indicated on the website only concerns the BAT. Once you've validated it, count, again, about ten days before the final delivery. If you wish to cancel your order after receiving the final proof, you'll be refunded the amount of your order, minus 8€ for processing fees.